CASE 1 Quarter Turn Fastener reduced fixture changeover time by half!
Toyokawa Engineering manufactures testing equipment for automotive parts and they use IMAO's Quarter Turn Fasteners on the fixtures in their equipment. They designed the fixture to be able to hold several workpieces at a time to fit the user's needs.
Setups for changing fixture parts come out every changeover depending on workpieces. The user required Toyokawa the swift changeovers of fixtures they do over 2 times a day. That's why Toyokawa decided to use IMAO's Quarter Turn Fasteners that shorten the setup time by clamping with just a 90 degrees turn of the knob.
In the previous testing equipment, the user fixed the parts with screws and knobs and it took more than 1 minute for changeover. With Quarter Turn Fasteners, changeover of fixture takes only 30 seconds.
Toyokawa highly esteems the quick & easy operation of IMAO's tool-less clamps, wide variation of line ups and their ready availability of IMAO's standard products as a manufacturer of standard machine elements. Toyokawa will keep using Quarter Turn Fasteners for their equipment in the future.